Archive for April, 2009


April 9, 2009

love if divine unites the person with almighty

love when earthly leads to the soulmate or the better half

love to the masses gives the strength and endurance which is everlasting

love for the hobby drives and creates scientists and artisits

love for the work drives an engineer or better said – a craftman

love for creativity produces ideas and helps in realizing dreams

love to nature and its resources is the reason why the nation is regarded as motherland

love for country keeps the masses of different caste,creed, color, region, religion united

machines, techniques and simple ideas

April 1, 2009

Its these below 6 simple machines on which most of the mechanical devices, even advanced machines and their mechanics depend like todays heavy presses, lifting equipments at construction site, conveyor belts running over long distances etc…
1. lever: scissor, cart
2. wedge: axes, knives, hull of a ship, here force acts perpendicular to the inclined planes
3. screw: uses torque (archimedes deviced screw to lift water from deep holes)
4. axle and wheel: cart
5. pulley: cranes
6. inclined plane
few simple complex machines are
a. bicycle – lever, axle and wheel
b. car jack – screw, lever
c. lifts, trolleys – pulleys
d. roller-coaster – axle and wheel, wedge
e. windmill – pulley, axle and wheel, wedge